Defending the Unjustly Accused
Racial profiling, illegal searches and seizures, and physical abuse during police encounters violate our constitutional and human rights. Police misconduct is serious and is often the result of inadequate policies, poor training, or refusal to enforce appropriate discipline. Police officers must refrain from unnecessary force, and should never violate a citizen’s constitutional rights. Illegal search and seizure should never be tolerated.
Innocent citizens can be wrongly accused, arrested and convicted. You have the right to a strong advocate — and attorney Yvonne Kinoshita Ward is known as a strong civil rights advocate, providing smart, tough, experienced legal counsel.
If you feel you have been the victim of police misconduct, contact attorney Yvonne Ward early in the process. She will work to protect and defend the unjustly accused.
Yvonne Kinoshita Ward was one of the notable attorneys in the WTO Police Misconduct class action:
Public Justice – Hankin V. City of Seattle
Seattle Times – Oct. 3, 2000